San Pedro Medicine

Trichocereus pachanoi,  Huachuma, San Pedro, mi guía, mi espíritu, mi corazón. 

Truth, direct medicine. Like a drum beat, like a heart beat. Without confusion, only the unraveling of conditioning, vibrational untwisting of painful lies, re-arranging of heart for goodness sake, making space for beauty. This medicine is deep in my being, and deeper set in South American folklore, ceremony, ritual, and spirit. Native to Ecuador and Peru, this gorgeous columnular cactus boasts night-blooming blossoms that blow the heart open with adoration and wonder. 

My first experience with San Pedro cactus was at the meeting point of two rivers, nestled in between mountains in a sacred valley near Vilcabamba, Ecuador. With the perfect company, a clean body, local wisdom, cleansing of a union between two rivers, and an open heart; Huachuma medicine allowed me to untwist angst, unravel hatred towards American culture, soothe anxiety, and dissolve the walls that had formed around my heart. The Stars sang to me, explained the demise of females from Minny Mouse to Nicki Minaj, that anger will never empower others, and that everything will be ok. This medicine spoke to me in a sorcerous call to action; action for the sake of all creatures; action to inspire the importance of honoring ecology over money. A mystical Eve transformed me into a story-weaving spider and brought me back into my flesh with freshness, respect, gratitude, and impeccable work ethic. Motivation, sexual healing, positive direction, and spiritual stamina all unfolded as this medicine began to work on me in seen and unseen ways. Years later, I have continued to honor, cultivate, converse with, and dream with this conscious cactus. 

Today, I'm happy to announce I have crafted a cacti collection of crystalline clean and purely heart-centered biological imprints of the beloved Trichocereus pachanoi. These were crafted in regard to celestial energy and sang to via my voice as a vessel. 


Solar Huachuma flower essence

Message: Blessings on your voyage. Blessings on our voyage. May we remember what is of real importance and allow for rapid, organic synergy on our paths. Magic overflowing and aligning to generate medicinal beams and channels of communication and exchanging insight to our Creator. Allow for trance. Allow for flowing prayer and may these prayers unfold with direct clarity and divine encounters on your path. May a sense of grandness, detailed awareness, adoration of botanical surroundings and ecological marvel bless your way with open eyes. 

Contains: vibrational flower essence of 2 fresh Trichocereus pachanoi blossoms, distilled water, 35% aged añejo gold tequila, and 5% certified organic vegetable glycerine. 


Lunar Huachuma flower essence

Message: I crescendo into sharpness. I allow for closure of uncertainties and give myself permission to be bold. I am tough and adaptable to extreme conditions, yet fully aware of what truly nourishes my bones. Peaceful, swaying, and mystical; I tune into twilight. I greet creatures of the night as allies with more eyes. I am solid in my sexuality, and I know my pleasure well. I make love to the universe and caressed by the starlight. 


1 sexy fresh Huachuma blossom vibrational essence, distilled water, 35% silver tequila, 5% Certified organic vegetable glycerine. 


Sacred Union

Message: I am a messenger between Mother Earth and Father sky; together we create. Understanding that we are all a result of orgasm, I fully envelope, honor, represent, and welcome sacred Union and divine sexuality. 


Vibrational solar San Pedro flower essence, vibrational lunar Huachuma essence, aged gold añejo tequila, silver tequila, distilled water, and certified organic vegetable glycerine.




If you are interested in attaining this powerfully healing essence, I encourage you to contact me via I have mother flower essence that I can provide straight or diluted. 


Rising moon waxing, last action is relaxing

What occupies the mind is craft, aim for excellence in intuition, no rough draft

Rich empirical evidence, co-existing blessed elements

How sacred these botanical benefits, brilliant photosynthesis and solar relevance

Seeds buried in soil, nitrogen ascending

tap root shooting deeper and sprout light bending

All I can think about is cellular mitosis, which plants need what and how we can grow this

Exuding data like mycelium, these plants have copious lessons

Foster life, make medicine from root to flower essence

Amongst the chaos, the sun continues to shine

Biodiversity is fought for, prayed for, by masters who make shrines

Centuries of refining and local application too, young plants grow and old thicken through

Be it organ, meridian, or shen…or the stress of a system with pressure of 10,000 men

There’s a formula for that, be it zizyphus or eye of bat

And after kind craft takes effect with belief at the core, you’ll be everything but flat

This mystical science and co-evolving medicine

heals sadness and pain and deficiency of the endocrine

As they grow, saturate new leaves with song, by the next 2 moons a harvest comes along

How sophisticated these ways of earthen, true honesty

Don’t abuse it, endanger or underestimate, please promise we

When diagnostics are unclear and textbooks can’t speak,

Look deep into the soul of the patients whom plants seek.

Intuition, knowing, trusting are potent miraculous tools,

What an honor and blessing to be a part of this school.


To the beloved teachers and founders and fellow students at EastWest Planetary Herb School. 

Elixir of trance.

If an atheistic belief system leads to a saddening, mind-altering fear of nothingness after death; perhaps that absence of spirit, absence of something greater than flesh and bone, that lacking of divinity, has proven to be a failed system. When a choice to believe in and feed the nothingness with distraction and sedation has paved the way to suffering, anxiety of the within and unknown, or a severed sense of self-awareness and self-actualization; perhaps it is time to shift longing, regrets, and hollowness into joy and liberation beyond death. 

Yes, liberation beyond death. 

When one can feel the solace in the tenderness of true human affection, they know something greater exists, for we cannot control LOVE, only choose to accept and reciprocate. So why deny divine love, universal love, and the lavish pleasure of being in love with forms outside flesh and bone. To know we have spirit carried in the elements, to know we can predict time and nurture cycles by way of the moon, to know the Earth and beings of celestial realms can subtly guide us without ego; THAT is what soothes anxiety.

Medicine in the mystery. 

If the subtle change is made to honor your [our] mystery, your [our] beyond-blood ancestry, your [our] divine purpose, the interconnectedness of all living creatures, and the healing potential of the four sacred, live-giving elements; what is there to lose? 

Perhaps what there is to gain is a gift of understanding our individual and POTENTially collective ability to communicate with energy directly, without the limitations of a particular cognitive system. Or perhaps waking visions of interpreting essences and finding truths. 

All this might even lead to the elixir of trance...if you'd like to go there; to find meaning in flow and meaning in Ecstacy, hold passion as sacred, and become skilled in dreaming so that we may act with more wisdom. A wisdom that answers prayers, guides us, and helps us SEE that division, misery, and slavery are causes of malady. 

Elixir of trance. Craft it...

This idea, or goal, is mature, sane, benevolent and successful. A method of access to Great Spirit, God, the Creation. 

It is critically important to nurture yourself and the ability to receive and express universal love with every thought, word, and action. If we lose this love, or never discover it; that could destroy everything. When we discover the love within and surrounding us, we began to think more than nothing of how we have come to be here. I believe in the sublime, the divine. And I believe this is how we transcend the anxiety that plagues individuals and our collective culture. 

As you read this, try not to focus all understanding on words; for words are a way humans buffer themselves from their own existential experience. If we become obsessed with words, we can become confused and perhaps these words can turn us into liars. Just Feel. Reveal, feel, accept, express pure, genuine love. 

I'm beginning to learn how to speak what is in my heart. To not be appalled by the condition of life of Earth, and to not be afraid of death, because I feel I know what death looks like and choose to believe in a journey after death. 

Often, the comfort of science and reason provides us with a solid default platform; a means of how we can deny magiK and spirit. And those who crave logic over alchemy and lineage tend to cave inward into suffering and isolation. I've been there, I know that place well..a place of anxiety and fear of what I'm capable of through dreams and also vulnerable to when I speak from my lucid heart. 

I see 'God' in permaculture, I see 'God' in medicinal plants, I see 'God' in being a freak, I see 'God' in collective liberation, I see 'God' in twilight. I am spoken to in my sacred slumber and in moments of trance. By energy without a face, without a name. These visions have helped me walk a path away from vanity, greed, anger, and mostly the anxiety of nothingness. And I feel free.

we are the flower of life. we are a sacred communion of essence, duality, creation and force. 

I dance my dance, I sing my song; and together we unfold the Earth's prayer. Learning to share my very being and gently asking Creator to be with me, to be with us, where there is space. 

Ometeotl. Aloha. One Love. 


Chloe Bee


Dreamy mastery mugwort, 

moxa heals the contort. 

Artemesia japonicaaa

for local and pain chronicaaa.

..mazing ancient art form, 

building yang and body warm. 

Chinese mountains fire melt snow, 

a method of longevity from long ago. 

Sparks and bustion, no anxiety within, 

Yang min rebirth growing thicker away from thin. 

Swollen joints, diminishing Qi, 

Mogusa and intention, burn it, set free. 

Rising reaction, Qi finding, go there, 

like ginseng evaporating Yin and fair. 

Five rounds and stagnation rushes and flows, 

what a divine art form your healer has chose. 

When throwing darts becomes too cool, 

and taking becomes the option for a fool. 

Between bamboo, the thread rolls thin, 

timeless balance of fierce yang and gentle yin. 

For the sake of all creatures.

Greetings...while listening to David Winston's field study today at the Botanical Medicines From the Earth gathering in a forest 18 miles outside of Asheville, North Carolina...I realized I had not had the time to sit on the Earth and write in a while...and this flows. 

Poetry, musicality, planting trees, discovering ease, healing disease, smiling in the breeze…So what else do I value? What else do I believe in? What is the bigger picture, my vision for us here on planet Earth?

Allow me to share:

For the sake of all creatures, We, Me; these are 3 sectors of thought and action of which I evaluate choices and opportunities. It starts with “me” at the center, once the “ego” and the” I go” is released; this pulses out to “we.” When we can see the future and understand we are a part of something greater, we vibrate out to consider and value “for the sake of all creatures.” This centered and outward evolving pulse forms an undulating ripple, potent, steady, taken care of by those who foster life and our expanding, deepening connection to Gaia, Great Spirit and Creator.

 When I’m 40…in 15 years…I pray and VISION for the sake of all creatures:

·         That plants and the 4 sacred elements of water, fire, air, and earth are seen as living beings with knowledge

·         That every conflict finds rest at no expense to the well-being of beings

·         That love > greed

·         That we hold ECOLOGY as RELIGION

·         That human beings understand the language of plants is a birthright.

When I’m 50…in 25 years…I pray and VISION for the WE:

·         That every home has basic knowledge of herbalism

·         That every community has an herbalist

·         That every human has a garden

·         That every elder has tells a story

·         That every child can love wholly

When I’m 60…in 35 years…I pray and vision for the ME:

·         30 years of clinical herbalism practice, 40 years of plant medicine study

·         Extensive knowledge and experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, Eclectic Herbology, Navajo plant medicine, Planetary Ethnobotany, Mayan medicine, West African drum and Dance, Cranial Unwinding, Acupressure, and Dream Shamanism.

And I will be able to say, “Despite past conditions [conditioning], I am not programmed to accept EMF, fluorescent lighting, pesticides, feedback noise, surveillance, commercials, war, violence, and subliminal mind control as a part of daily life here on Planet Earth. From birth, I was raised in the most egoic, individualistic, isolated society that has ever existed throughout history. Now, we are and I am a tribal human being WITHIN an interdependent community with daily ritual and meaningful ceremony. Our sunlight is green and filtered through the thriving photosynthesizing plants surrounding us, our water is flowing, full of beneficial minerals, cool, and clean. Our soil is pure and rich in mycorrhizae; teaming with microbial activity and dense nutrients. Our children tell stories, plant seeds, practice kindness, and generate art seen and unseen.”

You see… without this, we become polarized; spiritually, socio-economically, and psychologically. Polarization generates extremes, and although diversity in culture is critical to humanness, we must come together to preserve the Earth and her precious resources while remaining to be open to contrasting ideology. We all need water, we all need soil, we all need oxygen, and we all need family. These create a common ground for us humans and four-legged to co-exist upon. For us humans, we were potentially all four-legged creatures before birth into this body, and our whole life is about becoming a HUMAN, being humane…rather than an old, crickity, pained two-legged animal.

The way I see it, ceremony is what unites us, helps us to evolve into a humane space of existence…past survival and into the thriving. When a culture values ceremony and ritual becomes the center point of function; we can see and communicate and resolve conflict. We can abandon linear thought processes and move into a sacred spiral of creation. Layers of ceremony include personal daily ritual, giving thanks, blessing water…doing what you need to connect to great Spirit; to connect with who you are, what you do, and what you eat. Expanding outward is family ceremony…pray together, form deep bonds with each other, find new family (because the one you’re born into isn’t always the most symbiotic family possible), and hunt/gather/grow together. Then there’s community ceremony; right-of-passage, harvesting, planting, celebration, dancing for rain…these are LIFE-giving rituals that feed the Earth!!! When we can peacefully communicate and overcome greed, there’s also nation’s ceremony…when a nation comes together to celebrate life and mark time with precious meaning.

These words I speak are my truths. What I pray for every day. What I honor and what I see as the only option to heal the planet and move forward. I’ve learned my truths through dream trauma, through deathly illness, through diseases of societal misalignment, through spiritual stagnation, and through HEALING it all via ceremony, ritual, nature, dance, plants, and community. Discovering HUMANE EMPATHY and a deep passion for ecology... My greatest growth stems from experiencing pain and love, which have directed me to this path of plant medicine. 

Vitex: Agnus-castus

Unbeknownst to me until 2012, there has been a Vitex Tree growing in my own backyard for over twenty-five years! I began to study urban farming at ASU’s School of Sustainability and found a tree in one of my textbooks that look strikingly like the tree in my backyard…so I looked into this Mediterranean climate-loving tree and discovered it was a Chaste tree. During this time, my mom was in the beginning stages of menopause, and I was (and still am) struggling with hormone-induced acne and also detoxing from chemical birth control.

Since beginning studies in Western Herbalism, I have been distracted by the abundance of desert plants to study, and left Vitex on the backburner. However, in September of 2014, my employee and I began a class series offered through my herbal apothecary called Wise Woman Womb Botanicals, which focuses on educating about natural contraceptives, lunar cycle tracking, herbs for menopause, and aphrodisiacs. After classes about Neem, lunaception, and Queen Anne’s Lace, we had our first class dedicated to Vitex. In this class we used Vitex from my backyard harvested on the Libra New Moon and made tinctures with Sedona Spring Water and Organic Cane Alcohol. We compiled information to hand out to the class from Susan Weed’s Books: Down There; Sexual and Reproductive Health, and New Menopausal Years: The Wise Woman Ways as well as Rosemary Gladstar’s, Herbal Healing for Women’s Health.

Here is the information I shared via the text of these Wise Women:

·      Most valuable function is its ability to normalize function of the female sex hormones: Balancing hormones, bodily functions and endocrine glands.

·      Excellent herb for restoring and regulating estrogen and progesterone balance.

·      Ability to assist the stimulation of the pituitary gland, which is responsible for regulating and normalizing hormonal production.

·      Although it does not contain progesterone, it has the effect of regulating and restoring progesterone production in the body.

·      If used correctly, the herb will encourage the body to set in motion a hormonal balance, whether it is a deficiency of estrogen or progesterone. This normalizing action is particularly beneficial in giving relief from irregular menstruation, infertility, endometriosis, menopausal discomfort and other hormonal imbalances.

·      Increases the production of luteinizing hormones (LH), enhancing the progesterone cycle. Inhibits FSH (follicle stimulating hormone). Normalizes estrogen. Does not actually contain direct hormones, but rather hormonal precursors.

·      Has proved to be a deliverer for many women from a life of pain and misery from PMS. Relieves uterus pain, spasms and inflammation, due to it’s content of agnoside.

·      Chaste may help with PMS symptoms such as swelling, sensitive breasts, fluid retention, bloating, lower back and abdominal pain, headaches, irritability, depression, aggression, difficulty concentrating, hot flushes, weight gain and loss of libido.

·      Calming agent in hysteria and has been historically used to treat “insanity”.

·      Has also been used in the treatment of dysmenorrhea, relief of hormonal acne (esp teenagers), painful and irregular menses, delayed menstruation, infertility, PMS, fibrocycstic breasts, breast pain, endometriosis, PCOS, vaginal dryness, uterine fibroids, menopausal symptoms and other hormonal imbalances.

·      For chronic conditions such as menstrual irregularities, endomentriosis, infertility, and delayed menstruation, take for up to 1 year or longer.

·      Emmenagogue, diuretic, liver health.

·      Helpful in normalizing the system after discontinuing birth control.

·      Known to inhibit implantation if taken in the first week of pregnancy, as it may interfere with ovulation. For best results, use berries.

·      Can trigger ovulation, even in older women. Some women are reported to release several eggs during a cycle with chaste, increasing the chances of multiple births. Has an effect of normalizing abnormal hormonal secretions for the corpus luteum, and re-establishing the luteal phase in women whose cycles are short.

·      Stimulates the production of prolactin, and is used by nursing mothers to stimulate milk flow.

·      Can bring relief to menopausal symptoms related to progesterone deficiency, and the later years of a woman’s life. Menopausal women have used it in the relief of hot flashes. Can take 2-3 months to see positive results.

·      It’s reputation as an anaphrodisiac may be a myth. Research in the last 20 years has shown it more as a body normalizer than anything. However, it should be noted in men that it can have the effect of halting sperm production, reducing testosterone production and causing atrophy.

·      Dosage:       

Tincture: 1-2ml, 3x/day

Tea: 1tsp berries infused in 1 cup boiling water for 10-15 min, taken 3x/day

Emmenagogue: 200-350mg berries, taken 2-3x/day for up to 6 days.

Food:  Use as a peppercorn substitute

·      Caution:

Use caution if you are weak or anaemic.

Minor gastrointestinal upset and itchiness has been reported in about 2% of users

Beware of dopamine receptor antagonist medications, or if you have parkinson’s disease.

Avoid if you are taking contraceptive medications, or if you are susceptible to estrogen related cancers of the breasts or uterus.

Ode to Creosote..mi amor

Creosote: Larrea tridentata

The strikingly unique and potent aroma in the post-monsoon Sonoran Desert is attributed to the sacred, medicinal plant of Creosote, also known as Chapparal (Larrea tridentata). This shrubby desert plant clones itself to reproduce, has been used for thousands of years by Native Americans, grows in valleys and basins as well as rocky desert plateaus, and can be found only in the Sonoran, Chihuahuan, and Mojave deserts of the American Southwest and Northern Mexico. 

The bond I have formed with Creosote is deep, meaningful, medicinal, emotional, and spiritual. All my childhood, I played in washes and basins covered in this resinous, ancient plant and have used it on many occasions for healing and guidance. An effective way to understand the essence of this shrub is to do an overnight cold infusion into fresh spring water. Simply chop a fresh branch of creosote (from private land as a lot of creosote in the southwest is protected), and place it in a French press with cool spring water at night, and enjoy the next day. This can be done in just an hour as well because the resins on the creosote branches and fresh leaves are strong enough to create a potent and quick cold-water infusion as well. This infusion mimics the energetics of creosote after a desert rain and also carries medicine and hydration into the body. In Kane’s writings of Herbal Medicine of the American Southwest he states, “The wonderful smell is purifying to the spirit and has the ability to cut through the deepest states of emotional self-absorption.”

On the note of absorption, another beautiful way to experience creosote is to bath with the branches or place fresh cute branches into a hot spring while soaking. This generates a magical aromatic cleansing, opens the spirit for purification, soothes the skin, and draws toxins out of the body. Personally, I have creosote on my dashboard, in my shower, and in my windowsill because it reminds me that the Earth provides, that I am a creature of the desert, that I can adapt to extreme heat and dance in the rain. 

Other ways to enjoy and utilize creosote as medicine is to make tinctures and salves!

Here are some recipes I use in my Rainbow Bliss Botanicals product line that accentuate Creosote as a healing panacea:

1.     Monsoon Medicine: Chop fresh creosote leaf and branches finely, pack into a jar with 95% organic cane alcohol and 5% Arizona desert mesquite honey. Shake everyday for 4-6 weeks, strain, bottle, enjoy. I personally find immense value in the fresh tincture of creosote, because I struggle with Epstein-barr and auto-immune deficiency. Creosote is known to inhibit viruses and reduce the heat of autoimmune responses…all around reducing inflammation in the body. Internally, it is also used as an antimicrobial agent, anti-oxidant, and for rheumatism in assisting the reduction of swelling and pain. 

2.     Desert Goddess Healing  Salve: Infuse fresh, wild-harvested, chopped creosote leaves and branches into organic olive oil and let it marry for 4-6 weeks. This oil can be strained and applied directly onto skin to quicken the healing of wounds, skin punctures, and skin eruptions, or it can be made into a salve! Here’s a recipe for my salve:

1 cup calendula petal infused organic olive oil

2/3 cup creosote infused organic olive oil

1.5 oz Arizona beeswax beads

2 oz African Shea butter

1 tsp vitamin E oil

20 drops Morrocan Rose essential oil

20 drops White Sage essential oil (Salvia apiana) 

·      Melt beeswax and shea butter into infused oils with a double boiler or pyrex bowl over a pot of boiling water, stir in Vitamin E once wax and butter are melted, add essential oils last and pour into jars. 

This salve has anti-fungal properties, aids in reducing redness and inflammation of acne eruptions and scars, and can be used for venomous and non-venomous insect bites. There is evidence that the external application of a creosote salve is useful in, “resolving a particular form of premalignant squamous cell carcinoma, called actinic keratosis,” which are scaly patches that arise on sun-damaged skin (Kane, 2006). Being born and raised in a 4th Generation Phoenix family, many cases of melanoma and skin cancer have occurred and I support the science that this plant has the medicine we desert beings need to heal the skin and fight free radicals!

There is much more to learn and experience with Creosote, but after being alongside this plant for over 20 years, I can claim I’m beginning to understand it. I’ve noticed the patterns that it grows in as well and have learned that creosote sends out bio-kryptic/toxic information to surrounding plants to eliminate resource/ water competition. For example, there’s a highway near my house where the surroundings are completely dominated by creosote, but on the median soil there’s Ocotillo and bursage growing. This is a prime example of how Creosote dominates an area and is one of the oldest surviving plants in the harshest of climates. When hiking around Arizona, I rub the leaves between my fingers and say a prayer of gratitude for this strong, healing, ancient, free-radical scavenger. 


Guardian Spirit


Sweet guardian spirit paths cosmically collide,

access to see myself more clear and affirmation not to hide.

Boundaries, veils, and demons steer away from by my side,

heart blasting open soul protection through and wide.

Banshees and vampires couldn’t touch this Celestine,

words of understanding and freedom to stray away from war machines.

Ground your wisdom treefrog keep nourishment in mind,

bee kind fresh ancient being for meaning you will find.

Look within your expansive spectrum for the catalyst at the core,

plants speaking with intention to cease the never-ending wanting more.

Guardian tell me why this heavy why?

and why do the stars shine?

and why does greed mine?

and where do they draw the line?

and why exploit the vine?

and why this pain in my spine?

and why do ghouls lie?

Because polarity exists in a living planet of beasts,

and lightness will prevail, prepare for the feasts.

We will all raise the vibration with respect to wisdom keepers,

seeing all as equal humans and elevation of the reaper.

Don’t be afraid young star seed, the answers are all around you,

in the seashells and the mountains and in what you know if true.

Learn to be graceful and steady like the movement of rivers,

learn to be keen and agile balancing the love of the givers.

Walk a good path, ground curiosity with creation,

take action in your worth and imagine no lines between nations.

Be seen in your dance and the way you speak to father sky,

recognize what feeds you, there is only doing, no try.

There will be aggressive doubters, but they’re vexations to the soul,

stay true to those that love you: unconditional, honest, and full.

Time continues to move, lava continues to flow,

water will erode and hearts will grow and glow.

Change is fleeting and constant but don’t fear this loss of control,

minerals, animals, and plants: this Earth will swallow you whole.

But walk it with integrity, see and learn infinity,

we are all a part of the tribe, each containing sweet divinity.



Between waking and slumber, a lucid realm awaits. 

Of blue electric winds and fires out of place.

Astrology speaks the diviner is divine,

What you choose to remember is the key to blast past find.

Mayan serpents and yellow Eagles, the dragons have lessons too,

Don't leap before you fly, or the roof may come crashing through.

Astral waves and half moon haze are undulating without sound,

But practice wisdom deeply before departing the ground.

Running Jaguars, Gila monsters, and packs of wolfs have arrived,

Listen a la abejas, they have earthen honesty inside the hive.

Lapis. dolphins iguanas accentuate this azul wonderland,

Choose to channel mythology, reality, and jade turned into sand.

Everyday with open eyes verde vividness surrounds,

Bamboo turns to didgeridoos and tribal tambors pound.

Travel if you wish while curiosity fills the membranes,

Protect la huevo cosmico and record what you deem insane.

Espacio is no place for four or five elements,

These foster life and generate rainbows for teepees and tents.

Hace frio sin hermanas de la tierra,

Pozas turquesa and volcanic heat melt us como cera.

Falling in dreams assists in sensory expansion,

Disfruta templos y selvas And visions of monos in mansions..

Lucidity is a constant when we heal our conditioned view,

Equilibrio in consciousness, our dreams are potent too..