Red Velvet BlooD ToniC : Honey

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Red Velvet BlooD ToniC : Honey


A supportive & sweet medicine for promoting healthy endometrial & ovarian tissues. Ashoka bark (Saraca indica), AKA “the remover of sorrow” is a widely-known Ayurvedic herb for regulating menses. Combined with Manjista root (Rubia cordifolia), Shatavari root (Asparagus racemosus) and brilliant Hibiscus flowers (Hibiscus sabdariffa), this raw desert honey can be used as a daily tonic to enhance womb-healing wonders. 


Available in 4oz or 9oz. If you plan to take 5 days a week for three months to reset your cycle and offer healing to your womb, I suggest getting the large one. <3 

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