Motherwort Herb - organic
Motherwort Herb - organic
Motherwort (Yi Mu Cao) is a uterine constricting-promoting medicine that is blood-regulating. This herb goes to the Liver, Heart, and Kidney meridians and is used for delayed menses, menopause, toning a cranky or nervous Lion-hearted mother, swollen thyroid, cramps, and rheumatism. To promote menstruation, blend with Red Sage root (Dan Shen) and ginger root. As a cardiac tonic, Leonorus cardiaca can be used as a single (tincture, tea, capsules) or as a daily decoction blended with Dang Gui, He Shou Wu, Linden flower, and Hawthorn berries. This blend is especially beneficial for cardiac arrhythmia and high cholesterol.
Motherwort, Leonurus cardiaca ~ Bitter, aromatic, and slightly sweet, motherwort’s name alludes to some traditional uses such as in encouraging labor when applied topically. It is generally considered a moving remedy, and the Latin cardiaca refers to its use for the heart and nervous conditions. It is still listed in the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia for palpitations and anxiety.