No Cramps, Just Compassion

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No Cramps, Just Compassion

from $12.44

No cramps, just compassion tea. A total favorite. Women rave about how this has transformed their menses into a less painful and more pleasant experience. Drink this tea for the 5 days leading up to your menses then stop drinking it on the first day of your blood flow. Repeat monthly to manage serious cramping and PMS symptoms.

A planetary approach on a traditional Chinese Formula for warming the uterus, dispelling cold, nourishing qi, and dispelling blood stasis before and during menses.

2 parts Pinellia ternata rhizome (Ban XIa)

2 parts Ophiopogon japonicus tuber (Mai Men Dong)*

2 parts Angelica sinensis (Dong Quai)*

2 part White Peony root (Bai Shao)*

2 part Cramp Bark*

1 part Big Eyeland Kava Kava root

1 part Rehmannia glutinosa root prepared (Shu di huang)*

1.5 part Gylcyrrhiza uralensis root (Gan cao)*

1 part Sagebrush (Artemesia tridentata) - responsibly wild-crafted

1 part homegrown Chamomile flowers and stems

1 part Zingiber officinale (Sheng Jiang)*

1 part Ligusticum (Chaun Xiong)

1 part Cinnamon bark*

1 part Safflower (Hong Hua)

1 part Cyperus rotundus rhizome (Xiang Fu)

*Certified organic


Here’s a review for you:

“I have to send praise to you for your teas! I was gifted them by my best friend. I’ve suffered horribly for the past 5 years after my digestive system and hormonal system was severely injured by prescription medications.

No cramps just compassion tea changed my cycle in a couple of months. My periods shortened and my cramps are manageable. The latter (prior to using your products) was me bedridden during my cycle and unable to leave the house. I’m reordering in preparation for next month and also wanted to ask if you can help me decide on some other products.” - Anna

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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